
Financial Assistance Policy

Due to the overwhelming demand for financial assistance, limited financial aid is available.

In order to best serve all participants in our youth sports program, CYFL will refer all families seeking financial aid to the Day Dreams Foundation or the Voluntary Action Center.

Please see information below for both organizations.


Day Dreams Foundation Scholarship(s)

To apply, families should do the following:

  • Fill out the application, available to download HERE. Also available to fill out online HERE. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of when money is due. 
  • Provide at least ONE letter of recommendation for the child from a non-family member. The best letters typically come from teachers, coaches, counsellors, school administrators, case workers, etc. This can be submitted by mail or email to
  • Submit a copy of letter/form from the child’s school indicating child qualifies for Free or Reduced lunch at school. Or you can provide proof of all family income.

Other Requirements

If the application is approved, parent/guardian AND child will need to meet with a representative from the Day Dreams Foundation to go over the scholarship and sign paperwork. At this meeting, parent/guardian should provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate or any form listing the child’s date of birth to verify age.

Questions? Contact Tricia Koedel at

Other Important Notes

Please know that the Day Dreams Foundation makes every effort to approve all children that qualify. However, we are often not able to award 100% of the registration fee – the minimum amount we will award is 50% of the registration fee. 

For 2020 only, we are waiving the free and reduced lunch requirement for those families that have experienced job loss of significant financial hardship due to COVID-19. 

If you are in need of equipment such as cleats or mouthguards, please indicate that on the application. To ensure that all CYFL equipment is turned back in, the Day Dreams Foundation DOES NOT issue checks for the $100 equipment deposit. 

Submitting an application for funding DOES NOT register your child for CYFL. You will still need to register via the CYFL website. 



 Voluntary Action Center- Youth Enrichment Fund

Voluntary Action Center’s  Youth Enrichment Fund
Provides scholarships for youth activities
Amount available:
$50.00 per child, per 12 month period

Examples of activities funded:
· sports team registration or uniforms
· gymnastics or swimming lessons
· art and theater programs
· music lessons or instrument rental
· summer camp fees

These are just a few examples. If you have a specific need, please contact VAC to see if we can help!

How to apply:
Interested persons must visit the VAC office to apply for a scholarship. Assistance cannot be provided once the published registration deadline has passed. All applicants must bring:
· Proof of income (the program is for low-income families)
· Identification for everyone in the household.
· Proof of address
· The completed registration form for the activity your child will attend, showing the activity cost, the name and address of the business, and the dates of the activity. For assistance with items such as team shoes, bring a price quote from the store where it will be purchased.

Support the Fund:
Donations are always welcome, as the Youth Enrichment Fund is supported entirely by gifts from generous individuals and groups. Even a small amount can make a big difference in a child’s life.

Voluntary Action Center
403A Vandiver Drive
Columbia, MO 65202

Rainout/Cancellation Policy

The Columbia Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel all field reservations due to inclement weather conditions or unsafe field conditions. The cancellations will be posted on the Columbia Parks & Recreation hotline at 573-874-7663. Parents are encouraged to call this number to check the status.

Weekdays – All cancellations are updated daily by 4pm. Note that only existing cancellations are listed. If conditions change after 4pm, a decision will be made at the field.

Weekends & Holidays – Cancellations are updated by 7am. If the conditions change to warrant a cancellation, the hotline will be updated accordingly.

Columbia Youth Football League (CYFL) will send out a message to the family listserv alerting parents/ guardians to any cancellations. However, please note that practice cancellations are determined by the City of Columbia Parks & Recreation division.

Web Mail and Text Mail

Subscribing to Parks & Recreation Web Mail will provide current information about game status or cancellations by sending the subscriber an e-mail or text message containing specific information.

Simply follow the link, enter your e-mail address or cellular email address, select desired lists and click on the subscribe button. You will receive an e-mail or text asking you to confirm your subscription. This is a standard security feature to prevent people from being signed up by others. Just follow the instructions in the confirmation e-mail / text to complete your subscription.

·       Youth Football – Status of games and practices for youth football (CYFL)

Columbia Parks & Recreation hotline at 573-874-7663

Equipment Policy

Each year many players fail to return their leased football equipment which unfortunately increases league expenses. In order to reduce equipment losses and to maintain our low registration fees, all parents or guardians of tackle players will now be required to:

1.  Present a paid receipt/confirmation email in order to receive football equipment. No exceptions.

2.   Submit the mandatory $150.00 equipment deposit due upon receipt of leased football equipment. A post-dated $150.00 check or money order, payable to CYFL post-dated to 12/15/2024 will be held on file and returned when the leased equipment is returned.

3.  Equipment return is after the last scheduled game. If on a team that is still playing then a return date will be scheduled with that coach.

4. If you fail to return the leased equipment your deposit check will be forfeited and cashed on 12/16/2024 plus you will be billed a minimum of $150.00 for the replacement cost of the leased football equipment. Player may also be prohibited from participating in future CYFL activities.

Equipment, Cleats & Practice Jerseys

Players are responsible for their own cleats, athletic undergarments and practice jerseys which are available at Play-it-Again Sports or Red Weir Athletic Supplies or other local sporting goods stores. Only molded plastic or hard rubber cleats are allowed. No metal cleats will be allowed.

General Financial Policy of Columbia Youth Football League

Returned Checks: Boone County National Bank may forward returned items on the behalf of CYFL to BSG, Inc for collection.

ALL checks and/or deposit items returned under a RETURNED DEPOSITED ITEM NOTICE to our business checking account by Boone County National Bank SHALL be submitted to the Office of the Boone County Prosecuting Attorney for collection.

Returned items include but are not limited to: NSF – Insufficient Funds; Accounts Closed; Unable to Locate Account; Invalid Account.

CYFL is not a collection agency and is not obligated to call or contact the CHECK WRITER. As such, in fairness to ALL league participants and supporters, CYFL will not make any attempt to contact the CHECK WRITER.

Under Missouri state law, we may collect a “reasonable” $25.00 service charge, in addition to the face amount of the check, if your check is returned. The Boone County Prosecuting Attorney may collect an additional service charge and fines.

Refund Policy: Effective immediately, no refunds will be given. No exceptions.

Registrations and Player Team Assignments: All accounts must be paid in full and all equipment must be returned prior to any player team assignments. Only players who have paid their registration fees in full will be drafted and placed on teams.

No exceptions: This Policy applies to ALL League participants and supporters.


Looking to promote your business and give back to your local youth football program?  Become a Sponsor!  Being a sponsor and will help our league make improvements and provide more of the necessary equipment to ensure our kids have the best experience possible!  Check out the options below. 

Click on the link to download the form to fill out. Once you fill out the form, email it back to